Direct laser deposition of cold-resistant steels for Arctic shelf development
(2019) Materials Today: Proceedings, 30, pp. 707-711.
КРАТКОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ: In the shipbuilding industry, due to the need to manufacture large-sized and complex products, the use of additive technology by direct laser deposition is promising. The object of the study was choosing of technological processes of direct laser deposition of products made from steel powder 09CrNi2MoCu. To achieve this goal, the complex of theoretical and experimental studies were carried out, including metallographic studies and mechanical tests of the deposition samples. Laboratory samples were manufactured both with local protection and in a protective medium with different residual oxygen contents. Based on the selected process parameters, a product is manufactured by direct laser deposition. During the research and analysis of the results, the regularity of the influence of technological parameters on the deposition products was established. It is established that the influence of the protective environment positively affects the structure and properties of the obtained products. The results of mechanical tests of samples obtained by direct laser deposition have a value higher than rolled products.