Hybrid laser welding - theory, modeling and advantages
G. Turichin, V. Lopota, E. Valdaitseva, E. Zemlyakov, V. Kirichenko
The article deals with some new advantages of hybrid laser welding. The model of combined action of laser beam and additional heat source, such as electric arc, plasma jet or high power arc lamp radiation has been developed. The laser beam - arc plasma interaction as well as peculiarity of hybrid thermo cycles influence on material microstructure are discussed to determine a design of technological equipment. More...
The article deals with some new advantages of hybrid laser welding. The model of combined action of laser beam and additional heat source, such as electric arc, plasma jet or high power arc lamp radiation has been developed. The laser beam - arc plasma interaction as well as peculiarity of hybrid thermo cycles influence on material microstructure are discussed to determine a design of technological equipment. More...