V V Somonov
(2021) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2077 (1), статья № 012020
КРАТКОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ: The article presents the results of the analysis of patent documentation on laser additive manufacturing registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. As a result of the research, the dynamics of patent activity is determined, the top patent holders, the leading countries in the considered technological field are identified, the top of inventors is compiled, the main technological segments for application of patented solutions from the field of laser additive manufacturing are identified.
(2021) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2077 (1), статья № 012020
КРАТКОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ: The article presents the results of the analysis of patent documentation on laser additive manufacturing registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. As a result of the research, the dynamics of patent activity is determined, the top patent holders, the leading countries in the considered technological field are identified, the top of inventors is compiled, the main technological segments for application of patented solutions from the field of laser additive manufacturing are identified.